Author's posts

Slamming Sandpoint, Idaho Smallmouth’s

my very first small mouth bass

The arrival! Have you ever just wanted to get in your car and drive? Drive far away with one goal in mind, fishing for something you have never caught before. Casting your lure into the unknown water wondering what will come out of the depths of that lake. Just a tank of gas, some fishing …

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Bow River Update

Bow River Rainbow Trout fishing 2013

  It’s been awhile since I last posted and much has changed on the Bow River. Two of the boat launches have reopened as of last weekend, both Glenmore (Graves Landing) and Legacy island have been reconstructed. Unfortunatly Policemans Flats is still in very rough shape and it looks like Carseland Weir will not be …

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Blown Out Bow River

A washed out boat launch at Policeman's Flats

June 20 2013 Destruction and devastation of the likes I have never seen firsthand with my own eye balls. I witnessed the floods here in Calgary in 2005 and thought that was massive, which it was. Now this flood is at least three times worse than 2005 and I have heard worse than the flood …

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River report for the Bow River system. May 27, 2013

With three solid days of rain and run off already started, the clean water of the Bow River system now takes on a similar look of a chocolate milk carton. With water running out of the storm drains and into the river now, it looks like fishing should be done on a lake or reservoir. …

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