Author's posts

Bow River Winter Fishing Tips


  Fishing Tips For The Bow River In The Winter Months Ice has formed on the Bow River and when ice forms it adds new challenges into the fishing equation. Finding the right location to fish becomes ever more challenging. Ice has an affect on oxygen content in the river, sources of food, shelter for …

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Happy New Year To All My Fishing Friends


    Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I also hope Santa brought you all that you asked for. I am impatiently waiting for my gifts to arrive that I ordered myself from E-Bay. I have added a few new tools to my arsenal, a new rod I bought for …

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My Christmas Fishing Tackle Wish List For 2010

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]All I want for Christmas is my new fishing gear, my new fishing gear, my new fishing gear. So have you been naughty or nice? Do you think Santa is going to come down your chimney with a bag full of new fishing lures and maybe a fishing rod …

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Photo Contest Winner


And The Winner Is! Drum roll please, Ty Vrabel. Ty sent in his photo of a monster Bull Trout caught and released from the Sheep River. What a beautiful fish for the Sheep River. I have fished the Highwood River and caught some dandies in days gone by. I have also fished the Lower Kananaskis …

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