Author's posts
Apr 15
Fishing Trips
Another Day in Paradise PHOTO GALLERY I just do not know how it can get any better than spending a day trout fishing on the Bow River.I hooked up with my friends from Los Angeles today for some trout fishing. The sun was out and the fish came alive to the spinners and plugs we …
Apr 14
Fishing Trips- April 2007
Fishing In April on the Bow River PHOTO GALLERY When the weather gets warm and the flies start to hatch like crazy, this is the prime time to throw out a hook. I cannot help but be outdoors when these conditions present themselves. Fishing on the Bow in April can be some of the best …
Apr 12
General Info
Cover (Part Two) PHOTO GALLERY I did so much talking about where trout find cover yesterday that I just had to go out today and look for some trout. I sought to find the weedbeds I spoke of yesterday to see if I could latch into some monster trout that the Bow River has …
Apr 12
General Info
Just One Question PHOTO GALLERY It never ceases to amaze me how you see those fisherman in the same spot on the river time after time. I seldom fish the same spot in the river for various different reasons, one of which is that fish are always moving up and down a river system. …