Author's posts

Fishing Trips

Going Back For More Last week I was able to blow the dust off of my inflatable boat and float down the Bow River. We saw just how much damage those pesky beavers can do to the trees that line the banks of the river. We also were able to get a feel for where …

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Gone Fishing

Our March Float. I sure am glad to see that spring has arrived and winter has left us for another year. That is not to say that we may not see snow again here. We decided that we were going to test the waters today and get the boat out from its winter hiding spot. …

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Hi Mike I just wanted to follow up our fishing trip of last week with a sincere ‘thank you’ for an exciting and fulfilling day on the Bow River.  I’ve heard it said it is the best trout fishing anywhere and our time spent sure proved that. By the way……was the brown trout I caught …

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Ask Mike- Tips & Advice

Stained Water Conditions It sure does seem as though spring is coming here in Alberta sooner than some would have anticipated, even including me. This I must say is always welcomed here in a province where winter makes up half of our year. We have been blessed with some very nice weather here in Calgary …

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