Author's posts

Brown Trout Info

The Dark Side of Brown Trout Fishing I love to fish for massive Brown Trout and this species of fish is what I usually target. They are the hardest species of trout to catch for various different reasons. One is they have the best eye sight of all species of trout. The second reason is …

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Fishing Etiquette

In this post I would like to discuss fishing etiquette while out on your local body of water. I usually go to places on my local river where there is low fishing pressure and usually do not see another human being, and I kind of like it that way. I don’t know about you but …

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Fishing Trips- Bow River

A Brown On The Bow The alarm goes off and I jump out of bed. It’s time to go fishing again, my friends. I can’t wait. I turn off the alarm and hear that glorious morning sound of birds chirping. I wipe the cob webs from my eyes. My heart begins to race in anticipation …

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Gone Fishing- Bow River

The phone rang last night and it was my newfie buddy Todd on the other end. He asked me if I wanted to go fishing tomorrow and all I could say was “let’s do it”. We made arrangements to meet down at the river and slay out some of the Bow River finest trout. I arrived …

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