After launching out of Policeman’s Flats on an evening guided fishing trip with Kara and her friend Jeff, we slid down the north bank of the Bow River, casting close in hopes of some big rainbows that hang out in the calm water, close to the bank off the choppy run. As I was instructing Kara and Jeff, I looked over my left shoulder to see an osprey circling and looking down into the water. I could clearly tell this bird was hungry, spotting a fish below the other side of the island we were on. I said to Kara, “Look at that bird circling over there”. Kara turned her head to the left and stared at the bird for a few seconds while I rotated the boat left to get a better look at what was going on. As the boat floated lower down and closer to the tip of the island, the bird spooked and flew off into the setting sunlight. I asked Kara and Jeff to reel in their lines, as I wanted to drive up the other side of the island exactly where the osprey was circling. I hammered the throttle and rounded the tip of the island moving up river swiftly. I slowly let off the throttle and let the boat drift letting both Kara and Jeff know precisely where to put their lures.
We made one drift with no bites and no signs of fish. I was confident there was at least one fish in that location, as the osprey was on the hunt for something. I asked Jeff to sit down as I hammered the throttle down again heading back up the river for another pass. As the boat came to a halt, Kara took the top of the chute and Jeff took the middle. As soon as Kara’s Live Target lure hit the river, this monster male brown slammed hold and took her for a reel screaming ride down the river. Kara did an impeccable job keeping her rod tip high and steady pressure on the fish. I landed this muscleman into the net with cheers of delight.

I guess it pays off to follow your gut instincts and the circling osprey! We all had a fantastic evening landing many great fish, but none like old “mac daddy” brown, which was Kara’s personal best brown trout. I would like to thank each and every one who took guided “after supper special” trips with me this year. We landed and released some amazing fish once again this season. It was my honor and pleasure to guide you this year!