Following our decline in Bow River rainbow trout population last year, (Reports up to 50%) my friend Kris Allen and I have recently started a Facebook Page titled, United River Alliance. We started this group to raise awareness to what we believe is the major cause of the decline to the Bow River rainbow trout population of fish. We have been questioning the main “Smoking Gun” narrative that was published last November from a PhD student citing “Multiple stressors” behind the drastic population decline. Some of these stressors included Whirling Disease, (Which I have NEVER seen signs of). The floods of 2005 and 2013, which I agree had killed off fish as a result of the drastic change in habitat. I saw that bounce back quickly after the 2005 flood but it took longer after the 2013 flood as it was much more catastrophic. It took two years for me to see decent numbers of fish (rainbow trout) caught from floating either Policeman’s Flats to McKinnon Flats, or from McKinnon flats to the Carseland Weir. I was not able to float to the weir in 2013 and much of the 2014 season as the flood completely destroyed the road to the boat launch. I personally think what was published is not the main cause of the decline of the Bow River rainbow trout population.

The article published in November 26, 2018 states he believes “Not much can be done about floods or whirling disease but there are things fisherman and the government can do to limit catch and release deaths”. I personally feel this statement as insulting to both the fish and the anglers catching them. The now gone NDP government had asked for more flood mitigation measures and also let TransAlta Utilities control water levels in the Ghost Dam which I believe led to the major decline in Bow River rainbow trout. This caused an unstable environment and stressed these fish out to the point of death. Ever since TransAlta Utilities started letting out too much water, too fast in early spring in fear of floods, the Bow River rainbow trout population declined.
I also believe there are other factors that have led to the decline which include more birds (Pelicans) which migrate here from California. Improper handling of fish which include having the fish out of the water too long (especially on hot summer days). More poaching which I have personally observed and called in. Once they changed the regulations on the Bow River to ‘Catch And Release ONLY’ and not hiring more Fish And Wildlife officers to police a huge stretch of river, as I suggested they do in the government survey that was circulated prior to the regulation changes, we have seen an influx of poaching activity!
Kris Allen and I have been in contact with our newly appointed Environment Minister Jason Nixon and have expressed our deep concerns towards TransAlta Utilities and the improper discharge of our water in the Bow River basin as well as the Kananaskis River system. Jason has been very receptive to our emails and letters of concern and we both hope to have this serious and detrimental issue resolved as soon as possible. Please have a listen to our interview with Danielle Smith here https://omny.fm/shows/danielle-smith/poor-fish-habitat-on-the-bow-river
All fish lives matter.