Gone Fishing

A Day at the River                                             PHOTO GALLERY

With Rain pouring down here the last three days and the water staining up, it has been tough staying inside and working on the website. I have never been much for indoor events, I would much rather be outside floating and fishing a river. With the sun shining yesterday it was nice to take a drive to Carseland and fish above the weir. This is a popular spot amongst anglers in and around the Calgary area as there seems to be an abundance of trout in this area of the river.

Upon my arrival at the weir I noticed that the pelicans are slowly making their way back to the river. I observed seven pelicans searching for food directly across the river from where I was fishing. I watched them come together and swim around herding up their late evening supper. The water seemed to come alive when I was tying up my Panther Martin and fish were flying out of the water all over. This made me anxious to get my hook in the water to say the least! I fired that hook out until my arm felt like it was going to fall off and not one trout seemed to be interested. I think these fish are trained not to take any anglers offerings here. This is the reason that I search for low pressure holes on a river, so I can a least catch one trout.

I was alright with nothing landed as just getting outside is half the fun for me. Needles to say the fishing on the Bow River has slowed down immensely the past month which leads me to believe that I must leave the river alone and start fishing the lakes and reservoirs now. The Walleye fishing opens in two days so this weekend I will be out fishing for Walleye in my favorite reservoir. I will take many photographs and keep you posted on the days events.