Gone Fishing- Crawling Valley

Jack off the Rocks                                            PHOTO GALLERY

Fine day weather wise here in sunny Alberta means I have gone fishing somewhere. Today I chose to go back and do some Walleye/Pike fishing with the famous Todd P. We finally had some calm wind and opted not to fish the Bow today. We pulled into the inlet cannel at Crawling Valley and piled or gear down to the shoreline. When I fish here there are usually many people fishing this fine chunk of real estate.

I asked a fellow fisherman how his day was shaping up and if he had caught any fish. A big smile came across his friendly face and kindly replied he had caught three Pike so far. I asked him if he had caught any Walleye and no was his answer. I turned to walk back to where I was sitting and happen to look into the water at his catch and my eye balls surely were about to pop out of their sockets. This was no 20 inch Pike my friends, this Pike was the biggest specimen I have ever laid my blue eyes on. Abbaga was kind enough to pose for this picture for me. His awesome Pike taped out at 47 inches long and weighed in at 27 pounds. Truly an awesome specimen folks. I thanked Abbaga with a handshake, for his time and the photos; and made my way back to my cozy lawn chair.

This fish sure made my juices flow and I could not get my frozen minnows onto my hook fast enough. I calmly threw my bait into the water and sat back in anticipation of the bite. Shortly after my bait was into the water I saw the rod tip dancing and I made my way over to my rod. One thing you need to know is if you try and set the hook too soon you will miss the fish every time here. I waited and turned my reel over one full turn, he then took the bait and I was reeling in a nice Walleye. I was able to land six Walleye today and I saved the best fish for last. He was 22 inches and weighed in at 5 pounds. I sure do love Walleye fishing and I will be back out at Crawling Valley very soon for some more great fishing.