The Bow River is on fire!
Not literally, but the fishing is extremely good right now. My friend and client Brian landed over ten amazing fish on yesterday’s full day guided fishing trip. I called Brian to let him know the fishing was “off the hook” and he could not pass up the opportunity on short notice.
Check out a few of Brian’s catches from yesterday below.

Normally the river is too dirty to fish at this time of year, as run off is in full affect, but this year we only had dirty water conditions for two weeks early June. The river has cleaned up earlier than normal, with a slight stain which leads to epic fishing. Lots of the rainbows have made their way back out of the Highwood River system and are looking to eat. So, if you are looking to get out and catch some amazing fish, the time is definitely now.

Please leave a message in this post or use the contact form at the top of the Blog to book your trip in now.
Let us go get some,