IGFA Launches New All-Tackle Length Record Category
The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) has decided after a few years in the making to announce its newest record category. The All Tackle Length! What makes this different from IGFA’s other categories is that for the first time in history, IGFA will have a category that will award records for the longest fish and not the heaviest fish! This new category will allow the use of fly and conventional tackle up to 130 lb with the typical provisions and regulations of traditional All-Tackle records accompanied with a few exceptions. Gaffs may not be used in any fashion to land fish for All-Tackle length records. Instead of certified scales, this category will utilize a standardized measuring device. The new catagory is available Jan 1 2011 so you will need an IGFA Measuring Device and you are good to go.
The measuring device is available at the IGFA’s website here http://store.igfa.org/ The device is 49.95 US and will be available online and through several major tackle retailers. I am not sure which retailers will be selling these rulers yet but once I know which one’s they are I will update this post for you and let you know where you can find the rulers here in Alberta.
This new length category is not meant to replace IGFA’s records based on weight; this category will offer a new means of awarding angler achievement. It will differ from traditional IGFA records in a few ways. First, this is an absolutely 100% release category where fish must be returned to the water alive and unharmed. Secondly, a fish that is entered for the All-Tackle length category is not eligible for weight categories. Catch and release is the name of the game with this new category.
Here are the rules and regulations pertaining to this new All Tackle Length Category.
General Information: All fish entered for Length Records must be measured by anglers at the site of capture and released so that it swims away on their own and in good condition. Fish should be revived by moving it forward in the water to ensure a healthy release. Fish caught and entered for length records are not eligible for weighing and submission for other record categories.
Rules and equipment regulations: All IGFA rules and equipment regulations stipulated for fishing with conventional and fly tackle in fresh and saltwater shall apply with the exceptions below. All angling and equipment regulations shall apply until the fish is measured and released alive.
Gaffs and Nets: The use of gaffs to land fish is prohibited. Nets used to boat or land a fish must not exceed 8 feet (2.44 meters) in over all length. (When fishing from a bridge, pier or other high stationary structure, this length limitation does not apply.) The use of knotless, rubber coated nets or other similarly designed nets that minimize slime and scale removal is strongly recommended.
Measuring Device: All fish must be measured using an official IGFA measuring device. The measuring device mat may be shortened by cutting it, but it may not be rejoined after it has been shortened.
Angling Regulations: The following acts will disqualify a catch. Failure to comply with IGFA equipment or angling rules. If the fish dies during the documentation process, or does not swim away on its own accord after release.
Length Record Requirements: All fish entered for Length Records are subject to the same requirements stipulated for other record categories with following additions and exceptions.
Measuring Requirements: Fish must be measured using an official IGFA measuring device on a flat surface. The fish’s snout must be touching the nose stop with the mouth closed and free of lures or lifting devices. With the fish lying on top of the measuring device, measurements will be taken from the most forward part of the fish’s snout with the mouth closed to the rear center edge of the tail. All measurements will be made in centimeters. Fish that measure between centimeter increments shall be recorded at the lower of the two increments. For example, a fish that measures between 45 and 46 centimeters will have a recorded length of 45 centimeters.
MINIMUM LENGTH REQUIREMENTS FOR VACANT RECORDS: Fish entered for vacant record categories must measure within the top half of that species maximum recorded length, as shown in the eligible species list.
MINIMUM LENGTH REQUIREMENTS NEEDED TO DEFEAT OR TIE EXISTING RECORDS: To defeat an existing record, the fish must measure at least two (2) centimeters longer than the existing record. A catch which matches the length of an existing record or exceeds the length by less than 2 centimeters will be considered a tie. In the case of a tie claim involving more than two catches, length must be compared with the original record (first fish to be caught). Nothing measuring less than the original record (first fish to be caught) will be considered.
PHOTOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS: Photographs included with applications must contain the following information. The full length of the fish on the measuring device clearly showing the position of the mouth and tail. The fish may be held in position, but must be done in a manner that does not obscure the view of the fish on the tape. A close up showing the position of the fish’s nose and tail on the measuring device. The angler with the fish. The rod and reel used to make the catch.
Here is a list of the fresh water species available here in Alberta for the new records.
Dolly varden Salvelinus malma 50 cm
Grayling, Arctic Thymallus arcticus 37 cm
Perch, yellow Perca flavescens 18 cm
Pike, northern Esox lucius 68 cm
Trout, brook: Salvelinus fontinalis 34 cm
Trout, brown: Salmo trutta 51 cm
Trout, bull: Salvelinus confluentus 51 cm
Trout, cutthroat: Oncorhynchus clarki 44 cm
Trout, golden: Oncorhynchusa guabonita 35 cm
Trout, lake: Salvelinus namaycush 74 cm
Trout, rainbow: Oncorhynchus mykiss 54 cm
Walleye: Stizostedion vitreum 52 cm
So let’s get busy and get some “long” fish so we can start setting some new IGFA records in the new “Length” category. Please follow the rules carefully and minimize the time you have the fish out of the water while measuring and taking photographs. I know many anglers are responsible and will have both their camera and the ruler ready to go. Good luck to everyone going after the new record!