It was a cool and brisk morning as we arrived at Policemans Flats on Saturday. The forecast called for plus 12 and mildly windy weather. In Calgary, we all know that can change in the blink of an eye. As we say here, “If you don’t like the weather, wait an hour”. The sun wanted to come out between thick scattered clouds but that was not to be for several hours later. We bundled up with several layers applied pre-launch. Lucky I brought extra clothes with me. You can take the extra layers off but you sure can’t put them on if you don’t bring them with you! The thermostat on the dashboard of my truck read 5 degrees celsius, but with the 25 kilometer an hour wind, it felt like minus 5. Nothing was stopping us today, barring a tornado or a hurricane!
We loaded up the boat and off we went into a narrow opening between a small entrance from the back pool to the main channel of the river. Lucky I brought my waders as the water is very shallow which required me to get out of the boat to drag it through the narrow opening. The Good thing is we made it out of Policemans Flats safely and without getting my feet wet. That would have made for a long cold day of misery and pain. I rowed us out from the bank we launched from and we were away for another six hour journey down the slow flowing chops of the Bow River. MacKinnon Flats has been closed for the past few months and finally opened Wednesday April the 15th, making the lower stretch of the Bow River completely accessible to anglers. Another good thing is we can now float to the Carseland Weir, which happens to be my favorite section of the Lower Bow River.
The bad part of our trip started early. I had some serious issues with the line getting all caught up under the spool of both my clients reels. Sometimes when it’s windy, the line can do some really weird things. It is important to have the right tools with you to deal with all types of issues that arise on the river. A cigarette lighter was the tool of the day for me. Instead of wasting valuable fishing time on the water, I was able to solve the line issues with simply burning the line with the lighter. This happened three times in less than an hour but the lighter saved me from wasted fishing time. Everyday is a new adventure out on the water and things do not always go well for even the most skilled anglers.