Cutthroat Trout Of The Oldman River

Oldman River Basin


Up and at it early today, camp coffee and Todd’s breakie sandwich and we were all set to mount up on the quad’s and hit the many trails along the Oldman River. The quad trails inter twine all along the rivers edge and is an incredible way to travel the scenic mountain landscape of the southern Alberta terrain. I have never ridden a quad so this was a total bonus for me. So many places that are accessible only by ATV that otherwise cannot be seen from any road or walked by foot.

We packed the tool box of the quads with drinks, tackle and our fishing gear and headed out on the trails to find the deep pools of the Oldman River. We were hoping to land a few large Bull Trout that the river is known to produce. The Alberta record Bull Trout was caught in this river basin many years ago, my name would look great in the Alberta record books. A short 2 Km quad trip and we were at the first juicy looking pool, deep gourged mountains was the back drop and even deeper pools at the end of long choppy runs.

We dismounted the ATV’S and strung up our rods, no time to waste around here. I chose a Live Target trout parr in the Brown Trout color and Todd went with a CD 7 Rapala. We walked up the river and decided to fish the tail out of the first pool with no hits or no chasers. We both moved up into the middle section of the pool where it look more profitable. On a rock pile, straight in front of us was a steep rock wall with a deep seam running along the rock face. Todd said go ahead and make a cast! My first attempt was into the swirling water that lined the edge of the rock face. With a few twitches of my lure the first fish was on the line fighting furiously to kick my hook free from it’s mouth. He was sure scrapping hard to buck my lure! A tight line and skill and he was landed on the rocky shore line i was standing on. What a serious adrenaline rush!

The Oldman has many species of fish including Rainbow, Cutthroat, Bull Trout as well as plenty of Rocky Mountain Whitefish. I knelt down to unhook a beautiful Cutty and Todd snapped a few quick pictures before I released him back into the crystal clear water. Before I could pick up my fishing rod and recast in the pool, Todd had another sweet Cutty on his Rapala minnow imitation. The head and middle section of the pool was loaded with 2-3 pound Cutties and I was lucky to land 4 awesome fish in this short stretch of river. We exhausted the pool until no more fish were hooked.


Cutthroat Trout from The Oldman River

A short walk around the corner and there is the next pool waiting to be plucked clean of fish. This river is amazing, around almost every corner is a pool that excites every one of a fishermans senses and makes one drool with anticipation. This is stream fishing at it’s finest!
Pure bliss and sheer excitement awaits you here.

The next pool was as good as the first, another two amazing cutties for me and a few for Todd as well. Once the pool has been fished it’s time to see new water. Todd said it best “the first hook to hit the water is the one that catches” This proved to be true in many sections of river today. We took turns in each pool, fishing etiquette if you will. I relate it to golf in a way, a player will not walk across another players line when he is making a put; same thing here on the river. Having a great fishing partner at the same skill level is a total bonus, we both have respect and complement each other.

We traveled many Kilometers today and fished a 4K stretch of the Oldman River. I landed twelve awesome Cutties and Todd caught almost as many. The river was alive today with hungry trout. To say it was fun would be an understatement. Tomorrow will be our last day of fishing here before we pack up and head back to the Calgary concrete jungle. I can only hope Saturday will be as good or better than yesterday was. More untouched water and super feisty fish await our arrival. I look very forward to the next surprise in the next pool of trout fishing heaven!

Inexpensive Camping Secrets

Camping secrets for the outdoors

A guest post by Joel Cowen at

Camping is the most affordable vacation you can take but these inexpensive camping secrets can help make your camping trip even better and easier on your budget.

Taking a Warm Shower in the Woods

Missing a nice hot shower while you’re out in the woods? Take a warm make-shift shower at your campsite by painting plastic gallon milk jugs black (flat, not gloss), filling them with water and letting them sit in full sun for one to two hours. You can use the warm water to wash clothes and dishes too.

Repurpose Old Shower Curtains

Stay dry and clear of bugs by saving your old vinyl shower curtains and using them as ground cloths or tablecloths. Sudden thunderstorms often happen on hot, humid days so just cut a hole in the middle of a shower curtain and you’ll have an emergency poncho for rainy days.

Three Amazing Camping Secrets

Are you prone to cold feet?  Place a piece of aluminum foil, shiny side up, in your boots to warm your feet using the radiant heat.  You can save a lot of room and some cash by saving ketchup and mustard packets from restaurants and drive-thrus to take when camping. Stuff a bunch of those plastic grocery bags into one plastic grocery bag and take them along to create a temporary clothes line between trees by tying them together.

Baby Wipes Are Not Just for Babies!

You can save money and space by using baby wipes instead of toilet paper.  You’ll get more “wipes” out of a container of baby wipes than two or three rolls of toilet paper.

No More Fumbling Around in the Dark

Use rechargeable solar lighting (the kind you put in front of your house or along your driveway) instead of flashlights to save on batteries. You need to make sure you leave the lights out in the sun during the day so that they can fully recharge.

Soggy Matches Don’t Light Fires

You should keep your kitchen matches nice and dry by dipping them in melted paraffin before you go camping. Or, you can save those old prescription bottles and using them to stash matches in so they don’t get damp.

Easy Roaring Fire

Cut waxed milk cartons into tinny strips, make bundles of the strips using twist ties and use them for kindling. This is especially handy if it has been raining and everything is soggy.  However, if you don’t need kindling, cut the bottom out of 1/2 gallon waxed milk cartons to make handy (and sturdy) beverage cups. These cartons also make great, mini-garbage “cans” that won’t leak or disintegrate.

Don’t Let the Insects Bite

Mosquitoes and many other insects that bite do not like the smell of vanilla. Take along a small bottle of vanilla extract and dab some at your body’s pulse points while camping. If you do get bit, use Orajel to relieve the itching, or numb the aching, of a bug bite.

It’s Soup Time!

Not enough bowls for everyone? Simply cut out the bottom of an empty, plastic 2-liter bottle and smooth edges with a piece of sandpaper. You can make the bowl as deep or shallow as you want it and re-use it later as a water scooper, digging tool or makeshift pet bowl.

Camp Germ-Free

Well, almost!  Just let the dishes dry in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation kills germs and you won’t be wasting any paper towels.

Keep Your Camping Area Neat and Tidy

A collapsible clothes hamper lined with a trash bag makes a nifty trash can that can be easily picked up and emptied. Take the trash bag out at the end of the camping trip and you’ve got a clothes hamper in which to store dirty clothes.

No SPF, No Problem!

Sometimes we forget to put on sunscreen or don’t think the sun is strong enough to give us a sunburn, only to discover that we have an uncomfortable and painful sunburn.  Applying ice will relieve the burn temporarily while used wet bags of tea can cheaply soothe a sunburn if no ice is available.

And the best camping secret of all–don’t forget the duct tape! It’s a quick fix for any and everything from a rip in your tent, to bandaging a wound or sealing the bottom of your pants to keep out unwanted bugs, dirt and grass burrs.

Xperio, The Finest In Polorized Sunglasses

The best polorized sunglasses on the market !!


Xperio Has The Sunglasses for YOU!

Calgarians live in the sunniest city in Canada, and we’re also located at a high altitude. As such, Calgarians are at a higher risk of sustaining eye damage from exposure to harmful rays compared to people in most other cities in Canada. Children are several times more susceptible to these risks.

If you are an outdoor lover like myself, or drive frenquently, Xperio has your eyes protected. Polarized sun lenses are the best defense against blinding glare and harmful UV damages.While sunglasses have a definite “cool factor” from a fashion standpoint, they are actually crucial accessories to protect the health of our eyes. But not all sun lenses are created equally. Polarized sun lenses are the best defense against blinding glare and harmful UV damages. And Xperio lenses offer 100% UV protection, have superior scratch resistance, colour consistency and quality compared to other lenses. They give wearers maximum visual comfort and security, unmatched clarity of vision and truer color perception while protecting their eye health.

They are the ideal sun lenses to wear during all outdoor activities. If you are like me and spend many hours on or around water, Xperio sunglasses are exactly what will protect your eyes. Why settle for cheep sunglasses that claim to protect your eyes where many of these cheep glasses have UV protection sprayed on. Remember, you only get one set of eyes!

According to Sakina Barrault, Marketing Director Xperio, “Wearing ordinary sunglasses under the sun is not enough and may lead to eyestrain and other health hazards such as headaches.” The harmful effects of sun exposure can cause both short-term and cumulative, long-term damage to our eyes. Short-term damage includes discomfort and reversible conditions such as inflammation of the eye and corneal sunburn.  Long-term damage can include age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and premature skin-aging causing damage such as wrinkles and skin cancer.

Calgary Optometrist, Dr. Diana Monea exlains  “Especially in Calgary, as it is the sunniest city in the country.  Protection against harmful glare and UV damage is needed for everyone, all year long and all life long, especially since UV rays have a cumulative effect over your lifetime.” As long as anyone is outdoors, regardless of age, during any daylight hours, overcast or otherwise, every season of the year, under every weather condition, sun protection is needed,” says Monea.  “Polarized sun lenses are the best defense against blindingglare and harmful UV damage – they are a critical accessory to protect the health of our eyes and are better than standard sunglasses in protecting from not only UV but also glare.”

Blinding glare and damaging UV rays are a fact of life for everyone in Calgary. Wearing appropriate eye sun protection such as Xperio polarized sun lenses can reduce blinding glare that can not only cause visual discomfort but also harm our eyes andlead to dangerous situations while driving and engaging in outdoor activities.

The benifits of the Xperio advantage!


• Polarized sun lenses use a special technology to block direct light from the sun and glare from light reflectedfrom smooth and horizontal surfaces. When choosing sunglasses, the Mayo Clinic recommends people ensure 99 to 100% UV blocking lenses, but to also select sun lenses that are polarized, which reduce direct bright sunlight andglare from reflected lightthat can bounce off snow, water and other smooth and horizontal surfaces, as well as sun lenses that ensure proper colour perception. Xperio lenses contain all of these benefits and more.

• Xperio polarized sun lenses have been specially designed to cut out glare using a polarizing film inside the lens, which functions similar to a Venetian blind to not only protect from direct bright light but also block glare from reflected light.Visual comfort and security, clarity of vision, true colour perception, and 100% UV protection round out the benefits of Xperio lenses.

• Xperio are the best polarized sun lenses on the market thanks to superior scratch resistance, color consistency and polarizing film quality compared to other similar polarized sun lenses.

• Wearers of Xperio polarized sun lenses experience a greater visual comfort than with regular sun lenses, as even merely walking from indoors to outdoors, the visual stress of harsh glare is instantly fully eliminated. Polarized technology is a difference that wearers can feel versus standard, non-polarized sunglasses.

• Xperio polarized sun lenses provide true colour perception so that wearers can enjoy clearer and sharper vision. Sixty-four per cent of consumers say that natural colour perception is important when purchasing prescription sunglasses.

• 80% of wearers prefer Xperio polarized sun lenses versus regular sun lenses when driving, and 69% of wearers prefer Xperio polarized sun lenses versus regular sun lenses for their water activities.

• Wearing polarized sun lenses can help reduce the risk of damage posed by UV rays. This damage can include corneal sunburn, cataracts, macular degeneration, growths on the eye, eyelid cancer, and wrinkles.

• More than 90 per cent of decisions and reactions depend on good vision, especially while driving. Wearing Xperio polarized lenses improves driver reaction time. For a car traveling at 80 km/hr, a driver could stop a vehicle seven metres sooner. That is the length of an intersection and could mean the difference between being in an accident, or avoiding one.

• Polarized lenses are the best defense against glare. And Xperio polarized sun lenses are so superior to other lenses that they give wearers maximum visual comfort during all outdoor activities. They also contribute to a driver’s safety by eliminating discomforting and dangerous dashboard glare. Regular tinted sun lenses only protect from direct bright light but not from glare from reflected light.

• Calgarians are at a higher risk of sustaining eye damage from exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays compared to people in most other cities in Canada. At higher elevations, UV rays increase in intensity.

• Calgary’s elevation is 1084 metres, while Vancouver, in comparison, ranges from 0 to 152 metres. Areas Calgarians frequently visit to engage in outdoor activities are even higher: Banff is 1,463 metres; Lake Louise 1,750 metres.

• UV intensity increases by 4% for every 300 meters in altitude. So this means that Calgarians are getting 14.45% more damaging UV rays compared to Vancouverites. And they are getting an even higher percentage when experiencing the Rockies.

• Calgary has the most sunny days year round of Canada’s 100-largest cities, with just over 332 days of sun. The city is among the sunniest in Canada, with 2,405 hours of annual sunshine, on average.

• Smooth horizontal surfaces increase UV reflection: snow by 80%, water by 25%, sand by 15% and grass by 1%.

• People of all ages should take measures to protect their eyes from UV light. Children receive three times the annual UV dose of an adult, and will have up to 80% of their lifetime light exposure by the age of 18.

• According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, the greater the exposure to sunlight, the greater the need for appropriate, good-quality eyewear that protects the eye from UV rays while maintaining maximum visual efficiency.


Experience the Xpeiro difference for yourself, take a look at why you need these for you and all your family members.

Canadian Tire Update’s It’s Fishing Department

Canadian Tire Upgrades Fishing Department


Recently the local Canadian Tire locations here in Calgary, Alberta have become much more competitive in several of it’s locations. Higher end brand name gear and a deeper selection of the lures those hungry local fish love to snack on. A recently revamped tackle department to compete with some of the more larger retail stores here. This is always a welcome addition to the fishing community and makes life much more convenient for local fishing shoppers

I was asked to appear at the opening of the Midnapore Canadian Tire location at, 250 Shawville Way SE, Calgary, AB on May the 3rd. I will be helping local fishing shoppers understand new lures from Live Target and Northland Tackle respectively. Many great new products on the market from both these fantastic lure makers.

Take a look at this new lure from Live Target

Please come by and see me at Canadian Tire, Midnapore on May 3 2014. I would love to meet you and talk about the passion we all share, sport fishing the rivers and lakes of Alberta.