Calgary Boat and Sportsman Show 2014

Calgary Fishing Show 2014


Normally I head down to the annual boat and sportsman show each and every year. I love to walk around and look at all the man goodies on display. Usually that costs around 10.00 for the entry fee but this year was all free. I was asked to help out at the Fishin Hole booth and promote a product called the Vexilar SP-100 SonarPhone. Here is a quick break down of the product from the Vexilar website. “The T-POD (SP100) is an ultra-portable Wi-Fi transmitter system that has a self-contained battery and can be pulled behind your boat, cast or thrown from shore.

As the name implies, SonarPhone turns your smart phone or tablet into a fully functional sonar system that will rival any high end sonar on the market today. Using patented Wi-Fi signal technology to transmit to smart phones or tablets! You don’t need cell phone coverage to use it, the SonarPhone will work anywhere in the world. The SonarPhone creates its own Wi-Fi hotspot and you can share your signal with as many people as you wish, the software App is downloaded for free from the App store and works with both Android and IOS systems”. This great product is available from local tackle shops and online here at the Vexilar website.

The show was a great way to see many fishing friends including Cory Wirth pictured above who has been a friend since high school, Donald Roguski who owned a local rod and reel repair shop here in Calgary and now works for Hummingbird and both Jim Hoey and Cal Jarvis of The Dimestore Fisherman. It was also great to see Steve Gower of Rapala and David Summers of Port Hardy British Columbia’s Serengeti Fishing Charters.

The turnout for this year’s show was quite low from past seasons. I think it would be perhaps better to have the show further into the spring months to attract more visitors to the show; after all it was -14 degrees and who really wants to venture out to look at boats? For me it was an honor and pleasure to be part of the Fishin Hole’s booth this year and support my sponsor!

I will be traveling to the Edmonton Boat show March 15-16 to once again promote and support Vexilar and the Fishin Hole. I am looking forward to meeting new friends there. Hopefully soon this chilly weather will break and you will see me on the banks of the Bow River.

A Daddy Daughter Day on The Bow River

brown trout winter fishing the Bow River


Finally our cold snap broke long enough for my daughter and I to spend a few hours out on the banks of the Bow River. A few weeks ago we both decided some fresh air was in order. We walked a while before stopping along the banks of the Bow near Southland Dog Park. Plus 7 degree weather was perfect for us both to enjoy a few casts and the fresh mountain air. We were not fishing long before we latched into our first trout, a beauty brown. Then we hit this fish walking down river and out of the deep pool we initially started fishing in.

We were chucking crankbaits by Rapala and fishing then slow with subtle tweaks of the lure. I also used a Blue Fox minnow spinner and landed two dandy fish. They are sure hungry in the winter which makes for a great few hours out fishing open water.

How has the fishing been for you? Leave me a message and let me know where you have been fishing and what you are catching.

Choosing The Right Lures

A mix of Rapala Countdown lures

In the River Of Dreams

There is something about standing knee deep submersed into a long cold flowing river that always seems to draw me in, like a magnet to steel. Something about the sounds of rushing water and robins chirping in the back ground drags me in; month after month and year after year. When one finds their calling in life it is often very difficult to keep him or her away for any length of time! Rivers and lakes teaming with all sorts of life created eons ago just waiting to be discovered by those willing to venture off the beaten path and explore. For me it’s as if time stands still motionless while I stare out at the dancing pyramids created by the ebb and flow of the river that winds right through my city, almost literally right out my back door. I guess it’s no wonder why I continue submersed in that cold crystal clean water year after year.

After I studied my local river very scrupulously spending copious amounts of time learning her idiosyncrasies’ I decided it was time for me to pass on my knowledge of what I learned to others who struggled to catch even one fish. You see, in the beginning I thought that the river was void of any such creatures! Luck was not on my side and I ruled out any chance of me catching even one. I have been told, on voluminous occasions that I am of the stubborn type and have a “thick skill”. To some people this works to their detriment but for me it happened to be a blessing in regards to me NOT giving up hope that one day I too would catch even just one. That day did eventually come after many hours and days with wasted dollars on low end fishing lures. How I relished in that fish once it came to my hand and what I learned from that was to invest in high end fishing tackle and never give up hope. I also learned how to tie high strength knots that won’t break under heavy stress from a large fish pulling like a Mack truck to get away. There was so much in those early days that I did not know but that was then and this is now.

So how can you tell a good fishing lure from a “bad” one? I look for companies that have been around a long time, say over 5 years or more is my rule. These corporations have perfected the art of making high quality fishing tackle and have a proven track record of catching fish. Companies such as Rapala, Panther Martin, Blue Fox, Storm, Luhr Jensen, Williams, Live Target, Jack Fish Lures and many more! These reputable companies have perfected the art of crafting lures which will catch fish.

If you have used any one of the products of a combination of them, you will know these products work well and catch fish regularly. What truly go into good lures is the materials they are made of; how they perform in the water and how durable they are. Cheap lures made from low end material that crack or break can be left on the shelf or in the so called “discount bin”. At first I tried many of these cheap lures; I never knew any better at the time and yes I caught a few fish! As a beginner it is hard to distinguish the good from the “Bad”. You can always go ask the guy at the “Tackle shop” for advice! Some guys do know their stuff and the products that work well; but other guys are hired off the street and have no clue what to suggest. There are guys that will also tell you to use a certain product just to clear the shelf off and make room for other inventory, little shady and wrong but it does happen, and it happens more often than you think!

Please feel free to try the products I have suggested in this post, they do work well and you will catch fish. I find most anglers are loyal to certain brands and if you ask around, you are going to hear varied opinions. Find the best lures for the species you intend to fish for, work the lures in many different ways and most of all, don’t quit before the fish start biting.

I hope Mr. Santa Claus is good to you for Christmas and you get all that good fishing tackle you asked for.  I will resume my dreams of the river and all its inhabitants. It has been severely cold here but the weather is looking up, hopefully soon I can cast again into that river of dreams! Merry Christmas everyone, I hope 2014 is the best year of your lives!

December Fishing The Bow River 2013

Dec 1 2013 Rainbow trout

Rainbow Trout taken from the Bow River Dec 1 2013


What a great way to start of the Christmas season. My four and a half year old daughter and I went fishing together today. We were fishing the lower stretch of the Bow River and did very well in a few short hours. As a team we caught three browns and the rainbow trout you see in this image. My daughter asked me if she could take my picture of the fish we caught together, I’d say she makes a great photographer for a young lady don’t you think?

We caught all of our fish today on a Japan Special Rapala Countdown minnow imitation. Sometimes it pays to think outside the box and use lures that the local river inhabitants have never seen before! Looks like we made our trip happen in time as there is a major snow storm blowing in tomorrow.