A Gentle Softer Flow

A wonderful Bow River summer sunset

It has been said that the finer things in life are free.

With summer sounds upon us and bliss in full swing, what better way to spend time beside a soft flowing stream. Sitting and watching the stars under clear skies in the thick cover of blackness, no city lights to be seen for miles. As smoke from the fire billows upward to the heavens, the sounds of coyote’s and crickets captivate your ear drums. Trout splashing playfully in the pool that team’s with life. Since I was a child, I always wanted to be outdoors in the wild. Now with offspring of my own, I can pass that boyhood passion down to my daughter. The original PlayStation was ropes hanging from a thick tree beside the river bank or a small tributary creek of the main channel where we would watch minnows and pounce like a cat, trying our best to catch one. A pond close by our house where the sounds of frogs could be heard through the front window left open. When I was young we played outside for hours with most of the summer holidays near, or in water. Perhaps this is why I am drawn to its shimmering glow.

Fin’s and skins was the game, one day a slice and the next a hook, hooked jaw browns taken from gin clear streams of the Rocky Mountains. Now I fish and camp as I did a minor, still following that hooked jawed brown that escaped my grasp long ago. I lay in bed at night thinking of him, why did I not net him to see his entire splendor. Some fish you land and some fish get away without a touch, haunting me until we meet again some other day. If fishing were just catching, I believe I would have lost my rod and perhaps the passion long time ago. What keeps me coming back for more is the one’s that escape me, some I see and some never surface, they just pull and pull without catching a glimpse. You know they are massive but they are shy, and don’t want human interaction.

My juvenile dreams come to life each and every time I step into my boat or along the bank. Whether I catch or not, that shimmering light refracting off the surface draws me in recurrently. Life is short and the most treasurable commodity we have is time, after all we cannot get it back! I make the most of my time with my friends, my family and my fish. Some fish have seen me before and some have yet to feel my touch. So I return year after year to reconnect with them and the sweet smells of pine and poplar. Fishing is a little different than most other sports, once you have all the gear it is relatively inexpensive, a little gas in the vehicle and off you go on another adventure.

If you look at the above picture, you will see my shadow. The day turns to night as the water rushes bye, gently softly it flows. The fish move in and out of its course wanting me to return again another day. As the sun dips below the horizon, I slip away begrudgingly. What keeps you coming back? Is it the fish or perhaps just the serene settings of nature? Leave a comment and let us why you love the outdoors.

Guided Spin Fishing Trips On The Lower Bow River

Trophy Brown Trout spin fishing along the Lower Bow River

When you dream, dream BIG

When we daydream or dream while slumbering, we might as well dream big, big like the fish you see in the image above. When the lure meets the water, whether it hits the back eddy, the seam from a corner or the bucket, most of us want at least one massive fish before the days have all expired. Today was a day where reveries materialized, where that vision had been allowed.

I was cheering on Adam from the start of our float. Derek was cleaning up on the hungry rainbows and amassed quite a lead for the first hour. Adam hooked and landed a few fish later but had a mini dry spell going. I was not counting the amount of fish Derek caught, ok I admit I was counting, and was cheering Adam on from the bankside. I kept saying, 26 inch Brown, 26 inch Brown. Adam had a sweet rainbow locked up but it popped off on him before it reached the boat, do those count? I don’t think so! Then we pulled off the river again in a nice area of the river where three channels of the river converge. I docked the boat and we all jumped out apprising Derek and Adam that there should be a few dandy fish hanging along the bank just before the two channels of the river met up. The water was back pooling here with a nice gentle seam making its way into the head of the pool, the location was just screaming big fish. Derek’s forth cast was rewarded, a voracious rainbow took hold and flew out of the water to spit Derek’s rainbow Rapala minnow imitation. No way was Derek letting this fish slip off. He coaxed the trout to a location where he could step down and land his prize. That’s one more fish to hand for Derek. Continue reading

A Friendly Fishing Trip on The Bow River

A July Brown Trout while floating the Bow River, Alberta

A new fishing relationship is forged

If we take a look at the meaning of the word relationships its meaning is “a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries”. The past years have been full of new relationships both on and off the water. Most often I first meet people on the internet via my Blog or some kind of angling related web page where sport fishing is the common denominator. I am often quick to offer advice to folks who are looking for tips or to just share my memories of past fishing trips. I always find it interesting how anglers are great story tellers! This is how I met Grant Roadknight.

Grant is the Western Canada representative for Canada Pro Angling & Outdoor Agency which carries a great line up of products including Okuma rods and reels, Live Target Lures, and Frogg Toggs Outerwear. Grant is from Langley British Columbia and was heading east to Calgary this week to mix a little business with his fishing pleasure. I first met Grant via my Blog, Grant and his business partner Greg were interested in having me involved in joining their pro staff. I gladly accepted that offer and as part of that deal, I was to test their products and forward my findings to you, the consumer. Grant and I we to meet up today to field test the products while floating the Bow River in my water craft. Grant flew in last Sunday night and we arranged to fish today.

I picked Grant up this morning at 6:30 AM and launched out at Policeman’s Flats for a day of fishing and talking shop. Both Grant and I tied up a Live Target Trout Fry and smashed the banks all day in search of the Bow River’s finest specimens. The water is quite dirty now and fast as they opened both the Glenmore Dam, and Ghost Dam. We did manage to land a few decent fish just below a chute on the top end of our float. Grant landed a decent Brown on a Live Target Brown Trout fry lure and I reeled in a sweet rainbow in the same stretch of river.

Today was more about building a long lasting fishing relationship than it was about the fish; the fish were but a bonus. The Live Target lures worked very well and for those who don’t know Live Target Lures, they just won ICast hard bait of the year, three years in a row now. The Okuma product line is excellent as well; you can pick up some of the Okuma line at Wholesale Sports here in Calgary. Frogg Toggs Outer Wear can be bought directly through their website at www.froggtoggs.com. If you require any further information on any of these products, please leave me a message in this post or use the contact form in the top right corner on the website. I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

Thanks very much to Grant Roadknight for all the great gear I received today. I can’t wait to take you up on your offer to fish the Vedder River for Steelhead this coming February. I also look forward to a long lasting lifetime friendship with Grant and all the products represented.

A trip to the tackle shop

Shopping for fishing tackle at Bass Pro Shops Balzac

Help is just a click away !

Sometimes as a professional fisherman, people find my website and browse the pages and posts looking for pertinent information regarding the river conditions and so forth. Some folks do research as to what gear and tackle is needed to start fishing. As a beginner, there are so many hooks and rods to choose from it can get scary when you enter a fishing store looking for new gear. Now days it’s hard to choose which gear will work the best for any given fishing situation. I have added many articles on the Blog here over the past few years to help folks narrow down and choose good gear before they waste their hard earned money on gear that will not work well for their future applications.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Jennie who was looking for new gear for her boyfriend’s birthday. After searching the internet for information she came across my Blog. She then messaged me to ask me a few questions relating to the purchase of new gear. I was more than happy to help her get great gear at a great price. Here is what transpired.

“I have to write this testimonial, (what I’m sure will be the first of many!) just to rave about Mike and his unbelievable passion for what he does. I was planning to put together a little fishing surprise for my hubby’s birthday, and after hearing great things about his blog, contacted him through the website. I asked if he knew of any good fishing holes here in the city as we are relatively new to town, and let him know that I was going to be picking up some gear. Mike contacted me right away with some great spots to visit, and then asked if I needed any help picking anything out. I admit, I’m not the most knowledgeable on the subject, so I took Mike up on the offer and he took it one step further, he offered to pick me up, take me out shopping and point me in the right direction.

Mike kept his word and the very next day, we met after work, and started my education! I learned more in half an hour with Mike, shopping for the right lures, than I did in hours of internet research. He taught me about what the local fish like, how certain lures move, the importance of color. Who knew?!

Now, although the idea was to pick out gifts for the husband, and don’t get me wrong, we did that, the real treat was Mike’s love of what he does was so catchy, I ended up getting myself a rod! I thought I was picking up a great gift and instead – I think I’ve picked up my new favorite past time!

Mike – I know we haven’t hit the water yet, but I can’t thank you enough for all your help! Your love of the sport is infectious and I know you’ve started something here, I think you’ll make a fishing addict out of me yet!

Thank you!!!

It is an honor and a pleasure to help people like Jennie out. It is the love of the sport and the passion for fishing that I am able to provide accurate information to beginners like Jennie and her husband! I think once Jennie catches a few fish from the river; she will not be able to stop that pursuit so many of us live for each and everyday.