Paige’s first Brown Trout
After sitting around for the better part of Saturday we decided Sunday we were going to get out and get active. A walk in the dog park was in order for both the dog and the kids alike. Why not get outside in plus twelve degree bliss. This weather has been unreal here in Alberta and what a great way to spend a day outdoors. Of course I had to bring my fishing rod with me, the river runs right by the east side of the dog park and why would I miss an opportunity to wet a line. What true fisherman would leave his gear at home and walk beside a river that just begs him to fish. That would be insane would it not?
A short drive down Deerfoot Trail and off to the Southland Dog Park we go with the fishing gear in tow. Once we arrived I thought every dog owner in Calgary was walking their dog today. The parking lot was packed and cars and trucks were spilling out onto the road that leads into the parking lot. Continue reading