A guest post on fishing knots by Steve Jacobs
As a Blogger it is always nice when someone appreciates your work! Back not so long ago, I was asking other fishing Bloggers to do guest posts for them, linking to other prominent Blogs and sharing their material with my fishing friends. I have also been asked by a few if they could guest post for me. This guest post comes via Steve Jacobs. Steve is a representative for Sportsman’s Warehouse and shares with us how important tying a solid knot really is to sport fishing.
Fishing Knots: The Basics
If you are going to be serious about catching fish, you need to know how to properly use and maintain every component of your fishing equipment. More than that, though, you need to understand how it all works together and what techniques will lead to the best results. Just like any other serious endeavor, it requires a strong foundation in the basics to really succeed. This means learning everything you can about the best fishing gear, the best bait, the most effective strategies, and even how to tie the most reliable knots. Continue reading