Water temperatures and trout fishing
Most of us anglers are aware that the temperature of the water can either increase our chances or decrease them depending on water temperature. Winter is here in Alberta and the water is cold, not glacial yet but still quite cold. A generalization can be made for preferred trout temperatures. If we concur that 11C- 18C water temperature is the preferred range for trout fishing, we can then say that trout will react positively to temperatures changes that lean towards this preferred range. Thus, if the water temperature rises from 1C-6C, this rise will most frequently have a favorable effect on catching fish. Similarly with a change from 22C-17C will also have a favorable effect when trout fishing. In the summer you will see anglers fishing in the morning or later in the evening when the water temperatures drop. However a change from 12C -8C will have a negative effect on the fishing as will a change from 4C-0C. As you can see by the numbers, water temperature is often a relative factor that should be studied in relation to the immediate past history of the watershed you are fishing. Continue reading