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Bow River Fishing With Kids of All Ages
You sure can tell that fall has arrived here in Alberta. Not so much by the daily temperatures of 26 degrees Celsius, but by the signs the trees now show. The bright greens of summer have now started to reveal signs of yellow. Along the bank of the Bow River, I stood and watched the leaves falling from the Cotton Wood’s that are abundant south of the city of Calgary. Every year I am always amazed at how fast this transition takes place. As we walked under the overhanging branches of the now yellow leaved cotton woods, a snowy owl took flight and swooped away above us. He was too fast for me to capture on film. I believe he makes his home across the river near the Cotton Wood Golf Course.
After watching him fly off, we focused on the task at hand. We are not bird watchers, we are fisherman! I decided before our fishing trip that I would bring my video camera along and shoot some video tutorials. Nathan is thirteen and I asked permission to video tape our conversation. My purpose is to help other young anglers learn from or discussions we had along the banks of the Bow River. If any of you have questions you would like to ask, feel free to post a comment and I will answer your questions here on this Blog post.
I would like to thank my good friend Brad for fishing with me yesterday. I would also like to thank Nathan for a great day on the river and his permission to pass on what he learned to other young aspiring anglers. Please watch the video and share it with all your fishing friends.