Simple Tips To Keep Flying Rainbow Trout On Your Hook



A Rainbow In The Sky

The old angler says to the young angler as they looked down watching the trout gather to feed above the riffle, “what do ya say we just mosey on down and catch all of them fish in that river”. The young angler is game and accepts the offer. They simultaneously cast out and reel in hoping to strike. The fish are fussy at first but eventually can’t resist the allure of that minnow. Pretty soon the young angler has a high flying rainbow trout. The fish is launching out toward the bright sun. The young angler fights as the old angler stands beside and observes the tussle. Soon the fish is under control as the young angler exerts every ounce of energy to land the fish. What did the young angler do to keep the launching rainbow trout on his barbless hook?

Many times when we hook a rainbow trout the fish goes airborne and gets off leaving us with that empty feeling. It’s especially frustrating when it’s the first fish of the day or the biggest one we have laid eyes on. How then do you keep that rainbow trout from getting off and getting the best of you? 

Keeping constant pressure on that fish is part of the recipe for success. If your line goes slack for even a second that fish is gonzo. Examining your line closely will give you the advantage you need and keep your reaction time quick. When that fish goes airborne it is critical that you are able to reel fast and keep the fish on. Keeping the rod tip high in the air will keep a tight line and prevent escape. What you might also need to do is prevent that fish from flying out again after its initial breach. You will turn your rod tip to the side to keep the fish submerged in the water, further preventing the trout from making a second leap for freedom.

Hooks are a big part to keeping your fish on the line. There are different styles of hooks on the market that you can make barbless which give you a way better chance of keeping those high flying rainbows hooked up and locked on. The Triple Grip hook by Mustad features a unique bend that forces fish to hook elbow, making it virtually impossible to throw the hook, and an in-line hook eye point for 100% power with each hookset. Even though you are barbless, the bend in this hook will significantly increase your chances of keeping that feisty rainbow from throwing that hook. It is important to match the hook size with what was on the lure from factory. Many tackle companies tank test lures to make sure they run true and give the perfect wobble right out of the box. If you use a hook that is smaller or larger than that of the factory hook, it may throw off the balance of the lure making the lure work incorrectly.

In many cases there are just days where despite everything you use and try to keep your fish from escaping, they soar out and get off. That’s fishing friends and part of the sport! It is important to observe all rules while out fishing. Some rivers or lakes have a single barbless rule in place which means a single hook is to be used, no trebles and that single hook is to be barbless. Please read and obey all local fishing regulations. Obtain a copy of your local fishing regulations and study that guide. Make sure you comply with the rules.

Hot Lures For Cold Water Trout!

Blue Fox Fishing Tackle

Which ones are your best trout catching machines?

Every angler has their favorite fish catching lures to put down below the waters surface! With major tackle manufactures coming out with new colors, louder rattles and swim baits that look like the real deal, which lures do you need to make your next cold water trout fishing trip a success? Every angler including myself has that one or two lures he reaches for first from his repertoire. Usually it’s the lure that has produced in the past, or that lure he read about from magazines or books. Most fishermen will buy these lures and fish them with some success. I believe lures need to be tested often and frequently to find out just how good they are! You need to fish them and truly get the feel of every wiggle and wobble that lure has to offer. You need to fish them for more than just one species of trout to find out just how versatile they really are.

So what lures shall we buy and which lures should we avoid? Fishing lures that are made of inferior materials which are durable in cold water circumstances are your best bet! When the water is really cold, cheep lures made of low quality materials will be prone to defects such as cracked bills after bumping the river bottom a frequently. Their hooks are of low quality metals that can and will break off without difficulty. These lures do not look realistic and reek of fakeness to an old wise trout. So they should be avoided and omitted from your selection. Lures made by trusted tackle manufactures need to be added to your list. Lure makers like Rapala, Blue Fox, Panther Martin, Mepps, and many other tackle companies which make high quality materials and work very well under all weather conditions and water temperatures.

Winter fishing can be fun and productive if you have the right tackle. I open my back pack and pull out a tackle tray loaded with Rapala’s. I usually go with a Rapala right off the hop. I like color patterns that resemble the local prey in my river. I know browns eat other browns and they also eat rainbow fry. I select a brown trout Rapala and use it for a half an hour before I switch it out for a new offering. This first half an hour is a test to see what the fish want and how they want it presented. Slow with a twitch, medium speed with a long pause or just cranking it fast back into shore. The Rapala’s I like to fish in cold water conditions are the X-Rap the Husky Jerk and the Original Floater. You can fish these Rapala’s slow which is optimal for cold water trout fishing. The Jointed Rapala is also a sure fire bet for that monster river trout!

The Blue Fox product lineup has great hard baits and spinners for those hungry trout. The Minnow Spinner is a sure fire hookup with fish of all species. I use the minnow spinner in the fall when the water levels are low. I can fish the minnow spinner in shallow water conditions and still hook those monsters presenting a minnow imitation! I also use them in the winter and into the spring season. I have many of these lures in my personal tackle store under lock and key in my basement. These lures are heavily guarded by several snipers ready to fire at will. They work that good!

If I get no action with a crank bait minnow imitation I then choose a spinner. I like the Panther Martin sonic spinners for trout. They have been proven for me to work very well for all species of trout from Browns to finicky Cut Throat trout in high mountain lakes and streams. There are a few ways I fish the Panther Martin spinners. The first way I fish them is the bottom bouncing method. When the water is cold and the fish are sluggish, I cast directly upriver and let the spinner hit the bottom. Once I feel the spinner bouncing off the bottom I lift the rod tip up high and reel according to the speed of the current. The lure skips off the bottom and then back up into the river as I raise the tip higher and increase the retrieve speed. This method works well and looks natural to your prey. The other way I use the spinner is to just cast the spinner upstream and let it flutter to the bottom. Once it hits the bottom I pick it up and reel in slowly letting it hit the bottom once or twice on the way back in. This is sure to get those bruisers stirred up and on the end of the line!

The lures listed are a few choices from my personal fishing arsenal. Buy a few of these pieces and give them a try on your next cold water fishing trip. Success is just a cast away!

Getting Tackle Organized Converts To More Fish!


Bass Pro Back Pack Tackle Organizer

Everything In Its Place

Back when I first started out fishing, I carried around a tackle box which held all my fishing gear. The standard goodies were in this unwieldy chunk of plastic, you know the red and white bobbers, the old packages of snelled hooks that have never been opened, and don’t forget those old jigs that have seven years of dust. and rust on them. When I opened this apparatus, the foul stench of old maggot jars would burn every nose hair in my nostrils.  The odd living fly would make its getaway and buzz by my face scaring me half to death. The hinges would groan, barely opening, and duct tape would fill the holes where there was once plastic. If I walked and fished the banks of a river, I would have to put the tackle box down every time I made a cast. Usually these tackle boxes were passed down from father to son, or from grandfather to grandson in my case. My grandfather’s tackle box became my tackle box after several years of cob webs from sitting idle in the garage.

I hit the water and opened the rusty handle of the box, scrambling to get the mess of metal untangled and into the water. The decaying metal hooks would always find a way into my bulky fingers and foul words would exit my lips. I finally get to my favorite fishing hole and I’ve wasted my first hour of sunlight, attempting to make use of what was once an organized smorgasbord of shiny new fish snacks, waiting to be catapulted in front of the biggest Brown Trout I have yet to lay eyes on. I would lug this baby around on every fishing voyage with pride, making great use of it for many years, but one day it blew up and fell apart right there on the water’s edge. I was upset after the blow out. A Brown Trout in the river saw me shed a few tears. Faintly, I heard that trout whisper to me, “Just go get another box and quit your whining”. So off I went to the tackle shop to acquire a new box. I arrived and browsed the shelves like a kid does when he enters the candy store. My eyes wandered from side to side scanning the shelving like a hawk, looking at each box thinking “wow that’s cool”. I went up and down those two isles for at least thirty minutes before picking my new back pack, not a box. Welcome to the new world of tackle organization.

The fishing pro said he used a back pack and not one of those old boxes gramps handed me down. “But why a back pack” I asked the guy bewildered. He explained to me that I could hold numerous more pieces of tackle and keep it appropriately organized. Not only that, I could fish as I walked up the river not having to stop and drop the old box of plastic every time I made a cast. This would maximize my time on the water and increase my hook up rate he stated concisely. “It is perfect for all tackle sizes and shapes but you will need to buy some plastic tackle organizers to accompany the back pack”. Oh yes I need to spend more money now but pondering the thought of just putting the hooks directly into the back pack I opted to take his suggestion. I bought three plastic Plano tackle organizers which would suit the size of my fishing lures, paid for them and went home to get my tackle in order.

So let’s break it down! Today many tackle systems have removable dividers, or removable utility trays for easy access and convenient storage to make locating your favorite lure quick and efficient. I will write on my trays as to what they hold. For example, on each tray I write down what it contains to save time and get to my tackle fast and proficiently. A black permanent marker does this perfectly. I organize my lures as per the manufacturer of the lure. Rapala Countdowns go into one selected tray that holds six lures. Berkley’s into another tray and so on. I organize by color patterns for less digging around and more fishing. Rapala Rainbow Trout patterns all go into one tray, Brown Trout Rapala’s go into another and so on. I go one step further and set out my tackle according to where I will be fishing the next day, what the weather is like or what season of the year it is. The more together you are the more hooks ups you will encounter. Lastly I make sure all my hooks are checked and the split rings are firmly planted onto the body of the lure. It’s always fun until someone loses a fish!

Everything has a place and everything in its place! Getting organized is cheep and affordable which makes fishing that much more productive and comfortable. Thanks to the World Wide Web you can shop before you buy to get the best deal possible.

Bow River Makes Outdoor Canada’s Top 30 Ultimate Hot Spots


Top 30 Fishing Hot Spots In Canada

I just left the local Walmart after shopping for some things for the car. I always walk by the magazine rack to see if there are any new fishing magazines out that tickle my fancy. I noticed the new Outdoor Canada magazine had hit the rack so I picked it up and put it in the shopping cart to enjoy when I arrived home later. I like Outdoor Canada as it has informative articles by many great authors. The lower left hand side of this months issue had caught my eye. It says “30 Secrets For Catching More Fish”. I like so many others anglers strive to learn new ways to catch more fish; I need all the help I can get!

After I arrived home I opened it to the 44Th page where it states “Our Greatest Waters”. I then read the information and turned the page where the top 30 count starts. The number three spot they picked was, the Bow River. What an honor to see the Bow River as their number three pick. There is a small write up about the author’s previous adventures fishing the Bow. It also has a “Hot Time” just before spring run off and “Hot Lure” pink and white Buzz Bomb. For some of us locals we know that this time of the year can be productive and these lures can work well. But I must say that this time of the year is not my favorite nor is the lure. But that is here nor there, what’s important to know is the Bow River made the list. To me this addition is very special because the Bow River competes with many other great rivers in Canada.

I was reading the little blurb the author posted in the magazine and felt grateful that I can grab my gear, hit the Tim Horton’s for a coffee and be at the river in less than thirty minutes. Local anglers know that the Bow River is famous for Rainbow and Brown Trout but the river also contains some surprises.

The author also mentioned that he caught a 24 inch Pike on a float trip along the Bow River, so I added the picture above to show you the largest Pike I have seen caught in the Bow. I felt compelled to share the news with you all and wanted to take the time to let you know that the new Outdoor Canada magazine is worth the read if you choose to pick it up.  It is the best seven dollars I spent today!