One Tin Soldier Rides Again!
He may not be made out of tin, and he might not even be made of steel but he sure is one tough guy. Cold weather never deters him, he goes out and slays down the trout in all weather conditions. He is as tough as they come! Tough as nails as they say! He gets there before all others and he leaves after everyone has already gone. Why does he brave the cold, large monster trout is why. Trout like you have never laid eyes on before. Trout that fight so hard it feels like they are going to rip your limbs off. Trout you write home to momma about. This day is cold and snowy with the temperature dipping below freezing. It does not really matter to him, he is going out fishing anyway and no one can stop him. He knows where the fish are and he’s on a mission to get them. He turns his cell phone off and he burns down to the river bank.
Once there he prepares his rod with the trout catching lure, he knows which one it is. He then makes a bee line up to the honey hole. He is finally there and heaves the offering out into the icy clear blue water of the river. The river is cold and the trout are lethargic so he slows his lure down so the trout can catch up. After a few pauses and some retrieves, he finds what he has been waiting all morning for. A huge Brown Trout blesses his hands. He takes special care with the fish and never leaves it out of the water for too long in the cold weather. A quick picture and back into the river. His first brute is over with and then on with the show, after all it is cold and snowing. He catches fish one after the other, brown after brown the rod tip bends with the weight of the cold flesh. “It doesn’t get any better then this” he shouts out with joy but nobody hears him but the trout.
After ten fish grace the shoreline, he breaks off his first lure and tie’s another on his line. This lure is colorful and should produce a few more trout. He finishes tying and out goes the Rapala. The first few casts produce nothing but on the forth cast he hooks up. This fish does not seem to fight like the first several. He reels in but the trout wants no part of the shoreline. The fish screams line out and battles fiercely but is no match for this soldier. He recovers the lost line the trout took out and finally sees what he has assumed from the first rod pump, a dark purple striped male Rainbow Trout. He unhooks the trout from the Eagle Claw hook and snaps a picture of this male brute. The colors in this fish are amazing. Man what a day! The sun is starting to disappear behind the smokey grey colored sky. He is by no means ready to give up. Up and down the river he walks and manages to hammer out a few more Brown Trout that make him want to come back and do it all again the next morning.
He is finally exhausted and sits down on the snow covered river bank pondering what just happened. Fourteen browns and one huge rainbow trout landed! Baffled about the days take, he wanders back to his vehicle tired but full of joy. This is why he braves the cold and ice covered banks, for days like these. He finally reaches his car and sits in the driver’s seat still wanting one more trout. It always works that way does it not, fifteen fish landed but he wants one more. I have a feeling you will see this soldier marching back to the river sooner than later!