December Fishing For Browns And Rainbows


Fishing the Bow River for Monster Trout

A couple of count down Rapala’s, a Brown Trout and a Brook Trout. A December day and twelve degree weather, one Berkley Precision Tech fishing rod, Berkley XT eight pound fishing line, no one on the Bow River but me, and we have a recipe for success. I looked at the weather forecast and we had a green light. I cleared a block of time for trout fishing the Bow River and off into the sunny blue sky I went. My stomach was growling and my heart was beating fast as I arrived at my parking spot. I wolfed down some Tim Horton’s chili and scrambled to string up my fishing rod, no time to waste I have trout to catch. The walk down to the rivers edge is usually about eight minutes but I did it in five. I had the Brown Trout Rapala already hooked onto the line, then I laid my back pack down on the long brown grass. My Tim Horton’s coffee was put right next to the back pack. I unhooked the lure and the first cast was launched far into the river.

As the adrenalin surged through my body I cranked the reel hoping for my first trout of the day. Nothing hit the Rapala for the first three casts. As the rush of the first few casts subsided, I settled down and slowed the retrieve for the fish to catch up. You know how it is when you first get to the river after a long break from fishing! After I calmed I hooked a fifteen inch Rainbow Trout with a slow retrieve combined with a slight twitch of the lure. I smiled and released the scrappy little one back into the water. I walked a little bit down river and another Rainbow smashed the Rapala. Back and forth he went until I reeled him into the shoreline; he was the same size as the first and just as pretty as he was powerful. Off to a good start after only ten minutes of fishing.

I walked my way down stream and stopped at a slow section where the rapids were ending and the water became calm and smooth. I fired the Rapala far into the middle of the river and ripped the Rapala as it dove down into the water, I rip the lure by reeling the line in and quickly picking up the rod tip high into the air from waist height to well over my head. After lifting the rod well into the air I pick up the slack line and make the lure move again. As I let the lure sit in the water with no movement my next trout clobbers my hook and proceeds to fly up out of the water, she is small and of the Brown Trout species. I let her go and think to myself “I need your grandma or grandpa next”. I walk a little further down and cast again, this time my line gets caught in the line holder attached to the reel and SNAP, the lure goes flying off.

I had to walk back up river where I started fishing to tie another hook up. What to use this time I thought while walking back to my back pack. I wanted another Count Down but which color should I pick. Digging down into the lower section of the many lures, I find a box with all CD-9 Rapala’s in it. The box is a little worse for ware but the lures inside a practically brand new. I see one I have never really tried before. A Brook Trout color pattern which has a bright red bottom to it. The reason I picked this lure was the red/orange bottom to the lure. When you look at a Brown Trout as it is in spawning mode, the bottom of the fish looks red/orange. I wanted to imitate a brown trout in spawning mode and thought the color scheme was perfect as I rummaged through my tackle. Boy did I ever pick a winner. I walked back down to where I snapped my first lure off and whipped my new selection as far as I could outward. The same speed and technique was used again with the same result, fish on. I came to a tree that was chewed by beavers and had dropped into the river. This location usually holds big fish so I crept up to the tree and stood right beside it touching it with my left hip. Casted out and twitched the lure a few times before being gobbled up by a twenty five inch brown. I never knew it was a brown until it arrived at the bank side; this fish was acting very much like a rainbow. A few more casts beside the tree and another monster brown was hooked up, he was so strong I backed off the drag to let him go for a reel screaming run into the center of the Bow. WOW what a fish, he made my day as that is what I was looking for.

I could go on and on as I hook and landed twenty two trout from one o’clock to three thirty. Four fish escaped from the barbless hooks of the Brook Trout Rapala Countdown. Do yourself a favor when the weather warms up like it did today, grab your fishing rod and some of your favorite lures and drive down to the Bow River. Stay a few hours and clean up on those monster trout that are sitting the waiting for a meal. Take your time working the whole section you are fishing, twitching the lure slowly letting it pause every so often. Remember the weather is warm but the water is getting very cold so slow is the speed until the spring arrives. Take a few pictures and pass them along to me so I can post them on the Blog. Enjoy the awesome trout fishing on the river in the winter months. December through until spring is the best time to fish the Bow River as the pressure is low and the fish are huge.

Trout Fishing Videos

float-fishing-with-the-brodies-july-7-2008-005.JPGBow River Trout Fishing Videos

Here at the Bow River Blog I like to shoot videos of my fishing adventures and share them with my audience to enjoy. A few years back I set up a YouTube account to make that happen. I have shot some decent video footage of the years gone by but after reviewing the quality of the footage; I feel I need to acquire a better video camera. I am currently using a Sony digital camera which has a movie feature built into the camera. The camera is good for still images, after all that is what it was designed for, but for capturing video it is less than adequate. Now its time to dig deep into the pocket book and buy the proper video equipment needed to shoot high quality fishing videos.

I have decided on a Sony camcorder that will run me five hundred Canadian smack-a-roos. I am a believer that you need to spend the money for good quality equipment. This brings me to some more questions that pertain to you, the reader or in this case the viewer. What would you be interested in seeing or learning more about? Do you need to learn to use a crankbait or is a spinner more your preferred method to hook trout. Do you fish from a boat or do you fish from the shoreline.  What I am looking for here is for you to help me help you. You are important to me and I would love to provide you with video tutorials to help you catch more trout.  I would love your input and feedback in regards to this topic. The new camcorder will be working for you. We can all learn together while having a great time outdoors fishing the clear blue waters of Alberta.

I sincerely thank you for your loyal readership and all the wonderful comments and questions over the past two years. Its time now to expand and grow while using the powerful tool called the video camera. I wish all my readers and followers much success fishing wherever you are.

Thank you for your support,


Bow River Trout Fishing


Let’s Just Fish Shall We!

I have been dreaming of Rainbows and Browns the last week while I am sitting at home surfing the internet. I see the pictures and read the stories and think to myself, “I need to get me some of those”. So out comes the rod and tackle and my cell happens to ring just as I am getting ready to leave the house. Tom says he is going down to the Bow River to flick a line out. We arranged to meet up and slam some trout. After battling traffic and a train I arrived just as Tom was quickly sliding his line through his guides. “What are you going with today, I asked Tom”. “The old Husky Jerk he says, I usually have good luck with this lure in this location. And you, what are you going to use today”. “Well I am going to go with a Berkley Frenzy to see if I can’t latch into a large Brown Trout I replied”.

So we were off casting away like mad men to see who could hook and land the first trout on the day. See if you don’t land the fish then you cannot count it as points. Tom decided after many casts that his Husky Jerk was not doing the trick so he went to his back pack to fetch another hook. I then walked over to his spot where he was fishing, a nice drop from a shallow run to a deep section in the river. On my fist cast with the rainbow colored Berkley, a speedy trout hacked at it not one but three times until he swooped back into his hiding spot behind a large rock. Shucks I missed him. On the next cast I presented the lure slower with a long pause in between reeling. My hook came to a very abrupt halt and the fish was on board. “Yeah baby”, I hollered to rub it in a little. Tom really likes it when I do that to him! The fish was scrapping very hard beneath the clear blue water and never stopped fighting until I gently brought her into the bank. I wet my hands and gently grabbed her to remove the hook from her tooth jaws, barbless makes for quick work with a set of pliers. A couple of quick pictures and she was off back into her hiding spot.

For those of you that are new to fishing, you wet your hands before handling a fish to keep from removing the protective slime which covers a fish. Fish need this slime to protect them from diseases. This slime coat acts as a defense against invasion by bacterial, parasitic, and fungal pathogens. The slime coating of a fish contains enzymes and antibodies to fight infection. The slime coating acts as a shield against disease causing organisms in the fish’s external environment. The slime coating also acts as a barrier to prevent loss of internal electrolytes and body fluids. When even a small portion of the slime coating is removed, the fish will bleed electrolytes from its body into the surrounding water. So be sure to wet your hands before handling a fish.

I then walked a ways down river to seek some more fat Browns. Tom switched his hook again to a Buzz Bomb which never caught him any trout. I however changed my hook to a Panther Martin spinner and was able to land another small brown. I asked Tom how he was doing and he stated “the fish don’t seem to like me today”. “The fish are not bias, they just might not like the color or how you are presenting the lure I replied”. I never told Tom that they seem to like a slower retrieve speed. I guess that he would have figured that out eventually if we had more time to fish. We called it a day and went our separate ways. The score if we were counting was two to zero. Two for me, zero for Tom. Watch out trout, I will be back sooner than later to test my skill level and patience.

Fall And The Bow River


The Wonderful Colors of Fall

I made my way down to the Bow River earlier in the week to try my luck at some trout fishing. I arrived and viewed the splendid colors of fall here in Alberta. The leaves are turning a golden yellow mixed in with warm reds. The leaves are slowly dropping from the trees as the north wind is pushing them off their branches. I still cannot believe summer has come and gone once again. What a summer I had fishing the Bow River! I would like to thank my fantastic clients I was able to guide this spring and into the summer months. I sure hope you had as much fun as I did!

When I decide to fish the banks of the Bow River I usually pick a slow deep spot in the river, so I drove down to a hole which usually holds big browns at this time of the year. I walked out into the clearing and stood beside the river in total shock. I saw back hoes, earth movers and likes damming up one side of the river. “So much for catching any fish in that place today” I mumbled to myself. I was in the same location in the summer and ran into two guys surveying the river. I asked them what they were doing and they informed me they were planning to put some sewage piping from one side of the river to the other under ground. I spitted out some words I cannot repeat here and left the river thinking “there goes another good spot to fish the Bow”.

There was a time not so long ago that a fisherman could leave Calgary and take a short drive into seclusion. Not anymore! As this city grows and grows it infringes on the once private sections of the river. Pretty soon I will need to drive an hour to escape the commotion of the concrete jungle. Those secret spots on the river are no longer secrets, but I still remain grateful we have the river here. It sure has been good to me over the years!

I left the river with my head hung a little lower than usual. Destruction of the river never gets me into a good mood. I never hooked into any trout that day, wonder if all the construction had anything to do with that? I stopped to daydream of the past and shoot a few pictures of the fall colors. A playful duck was hammering away at the larva which was all along the shore line. The wind picked up and sent chills down my back, a little reminder from Mother Nature that winter is just around the corner.