Bow River Trout Fishing Videos Here at the Bow River Blog I like to shoot videos of my fishing adventures and share them with my audience to enjoy. A few years back I set up a YouTube account to make that happen. I have shot some decent video footage of the years gone by but …
Tag: fishing
Oct 08
Fall And The Bow River
The Wonderful Colors of Fall I made my way down to the Bow River earlier in the week to try my luck at some trout fishing. I arrived and viewed the splendid colors of fall here in Alberta. The leaves are turning a golden yellow mixed in with warm reds. The leaves are slowly dropping …
Sep 27
Protecting Our Fisheries
I was surfing the internet awhile back and came across a great website with a fantastic message and philosophy. The site is called Recycled Fish, a movement gaining major momentum among serious anglers who care about our resources. It costs nothing to join in terms of money, only a lifetime commitment of doing certain things …