Finally, the weather has turned here In Calgary, and I was able to get back out fishing on the Bow River this week. I fished Monday and Tuesday with only one fish landed, it was tough sledding to say the least. The dirty water from the city stained the river up, so I would surmise …
Tag: trout fishing
Dec 19
Bow River Winter Fishing Tips
With the boat put away for the winter, the time has come here in Calgary to switch to shore fishing. Winter has arrived indeed, but we are blessed to get those chinooks that break up the severe cold winters in Alberta. This past week, I headed out on a mild winters day to target those …
Nov 18
That’s a Wrap on the 2024 Bow River Season
With mild temperatures running into the second week of November, and snow finally blanketing the ground today, I think its time to winterize the jet boat and close the 2024 boating season. Once again, it was an amazing year with so many great friends, and of course, epic fish. I am always sad when I …
Oct 05
Bagels, Browns And The Bow River
Fall fishing in swing and today we are joined by the best receiver in the CFL, Mr. Reggie Begelton and his teammate Mr. Tre Odoms-Dukes. As most of you know, Reggie is a seasoned angler and has been fishing all his life. No fish is safe from him !! The colors of autumn are in …