Tag: trout fishing photo gallery

Protecting Our Fisheries

I was surfing the internet awhile back and came across a great website with a fantastic message and philosophy. The site is called Recycled Fish, a movement gaining major momentum among serious anglers who care about our resources. It costs nothing to join in terms of money, only a lifetime commitment of doing certain things …

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Fishing the Bow River With Rapala’s

Fishing Rapala’s For Big Rainbows My family and I decided to fish this Sunday that just passed. We floated the Bow River in search of Browns and Rainbows that occupy this river. It has taken me until today to write this post so sorry for the delay. I brought the movie camera along and my …

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Trout Fishing In the Dark

It is dusk when I arrived at the Bow River. The sun goes down early these nights as it is September. Quarter to nine and it is almost pitch black. I hurried to tie my Rapala up and walk down to the river bank. I strapped my head lamp on tightly and quickly walked down …

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Bow River Trout Fishing

The Day of Redemption Following our disappointing float trip last Sunday, Chris and I were back out on the Bow River seeking to catch what we missed out on last week, trout of any kind. The weather was good for the first couple of hours of our float which enabled us to hook into some …

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