Lately I have been fishing the river more than usual! Often times, I find solace near water when times are stressful. For me, even standing near water gives me great comfort and the water always seems to ease my stressors. During these challenging times in life, I find myself standing on the rivers edge watching the birds overhead; normally crows or the odd Bald Eagle catching flight, gliding on the strong winter breeze. I find my problems vanish away here, seemingly into mid-air as my thoughts drift away towards the fish. What lure I will start to use and why. What color of lure should I grab first for the water conditions? What speed of retrieve should I use for the current water conditions? The more I think about these things, the less I think about whatever problems I may have currently. I find great comfort in that, even if I don’t catch any fish. It’s like the river just magically takes it all away!

Lately, the weather has been amazing which has enabled me to get out more often this month (December.) Normally the weather is on the minus side of the thermostat, and open water fishing on the Bow River only happens during a chinook. This year has been exceptionally mild, and I have been landing some amazing fish once again, fishing inner city Calgary.

We are so fortunate to have such a valuable resource in the Bow River running right through our beautiful city. Where many folks must drive an hour, or several hours to fish, I only have to drive ten minutes to epic trout fishing! It’s a blessing my happy place is close to home; where I can go and reflect on life, make important decisions and be at inner peace no matter what curveballs life throws at me. Most often times, the fish are just the bonus, just being near the river, the sound of the moving water brings my copious joy and deep inner peace.
Where do you go when life gets tough. Where is your happy place where you seek answers or peace? Feel free to leave a comment on the post here.
Thank you,