Was nice to take a break from trout fishing and head out to McGregor Lake this past weekend. My girlfriend Charlene has never caught walleye before, so we headed out to cross that species off her bucket list. With low winds, combined with sunny skies, we headed out early to blade worms using the “bottom bouncing” technique.

Bottom bouncing while trolling is an effective technique as the live worms move slowly, trolled off the bottom with a 3-way bouncer. We launched the boat and made our way across the lake, slowly trolling the shoreline on the east side of the lake. It took about an hour before we hooked up into our first walleye. Charlene was super pumped to get her first fish in the boat. We took a couple quick images and released the fish back to be caught again another day.

The bite was quite slow for the first few hours but picked up just around dinner time. Charlene managed to land eight great Alberta walleye and I got several myself. We were super happy to spend the day out at the lake and get her bucket list fish crossed off for her.